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4411 Help Center
Getting started
Easy account
Easy account
How does parking with 4411 work?
4411 allows you to pay for parking in several ways. 1. Parking via app U...
How can I register with 4411?
Amazing that you want to use 4411! First, download the app here to get s...
How can I download the 4411 app?
You can download our app from the Google Playstore for Android and th...
The benefits of using the 4411 app beside sending to 4411
Did you know that besides starting parking sessions by SMS, you can also...
Where can I park with 4411?
On-street 4411 is available in most cities in Belgium and the Netherland...
What is the cost of 4411?
Do you park via the 4411 app? Then you pay €0,35 transaction fee per par...
Does my parking session end automatically?
4411 applies the parking rules as prescribed by the cities/municipaliti...
What are parking rates and how are they determined?
Each city or municipality determines its own parking zones, parking rate...
Can I park in countries other than Belgium with 4411?
Yes, in addition to Belgium, you can also use the 4411 app in the Nether...
What is the difference between an Easy and PRO account?
Easy Account: Perfect for individuals and families. You have access to ...