4411 is available in most cities in Belgium and the Netherlands. An overview of all cities and municipalities can be found here.
➡️ Please note: Each city or municipality determines its own parking rates and parking times. Be sure to check these via the city's website, or on the side of the parking meter.
Through 4411, you also automatically park in numerous parking garages. You can find them in the 4411 app under "Garage parking via number plate", or via this link.
➡️ Please note: To park in parking lot Zuiderterras in Antwerp (AN993), click on "Off-street parking via ticket".
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- How can I register with 4411?
- How can I download the 4411 app?
- The benefits of using the 4411 app beside sending to 4411
- Where can I park with 4411?
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